
As part of it’s ongoing expansion of materials analysis capabilities, the IEN / IMat Materials Charcterization Facility is finalizing plans to house a new ICP-MS instrument.

The planned vendor of this instrument, Thermo Fisher Scientific, is giving a talk on its capabilities and applications Thursday, October 28th at 1:00 in conference room 1116 in the Marcus Nanotechnology building.

Any user generally interested in this technique and/or specifically in need of mass-spectroscopy chemical analysis is encouraged to attend.

See the attached flyer for details, please forward to any interested colleagues, and let the MCF staff know if you have any questions.


Walter Henderson

Thermo ICPMS

Fall 2021 Image Contest is now live!

After a hiatus, the quarterly MCF Image Contest is back and  the Fall 2021 submissions can be submitted here! Three quarterly winners of the contest will each receive 5 free hours on the characterization tool of their choosing and be entered into a semi-annual Grand Prize selection for cash prizes of $60 for First Prize and $30 for each of the two Second Prize winners.

Previous entries can be seen here!

If you are uncertain as to the rules of the submission process, those can be reviewed here.


A new focus ion beam (FIB) from Thermo Scientific will be installed in MCF. This FIB, Helios 5 CX dualbeam ,  is to replace the old Nova 200 FIB-SEM which is removed from campus.

This new FIB will be equipped with highly automated, multisite, fastest and easiest sample preparation for S/TEM.
Extreme high resolution (1nm) at low acceleration voltage 1kV can be achieved in SEM mode.
Acceleration voltage for SEM is 200V-30kV.
Acceleration voltage for ion beam is 500V-30kV.

For more information with regards to training or use of this facility, please contact Mengkun Tian.

Helios 5 CX DualBeam for Materials Science


Recent Publication using ToF_SIMS in the MCF

Science Advances: 7 (5)

Science Advances

Recently published work by GT – BME grad student Shambavi Ganesh, her PI Prof. Ahmet Coskun, and MCF staff members Eric Woods & Walter Henderson centers on the use of ToF-SIMS to analyze biological materials.


Ganesh et al., “Spatially resolved 3D metabolomic profiling in tissues” –



New Crystalmaker Software Suite for 2021

The Crystalmaker Software suite is available for download for students and staff at Georgia Tech! The crystalmaker suite will enable you to create crystal models, simulate XRD patterns, and generate CIFs. For the codes, please contact David Tavakoli ( from a GT email address.

Renishaw Webinar on Particle Size Determination

The New Raman Renishaw Particle Analysis Software – Targeted Raman Data Collection

Wednesday, September 30th – 2:00pm (EST)

Renishaw’s upcoming Particle Analysis software enables targeted Raman data collection from optical image contrast. This approach ensures data is only collected from the areas of interest, making it a fast and automated method.

In this webinar, we will show how the diverse high performing optical contrast methods of the inVia Raman microscope can be used to quickly, easily, and automatically report particle identities and morphology together. Applied to a diverse range of applications, from microplastics to materials and forensics to pharmaceuticals, see how Particle Analysis can benefit your work.

This webinar will be broadcast in the MCF Lobby in the Marcus Nanotechnology Building.

Register for it here!


AVS Webinar: Surface Characterization of Biomaterials with X-rays and Ion Guns

Surfaces play an important role in almost all aspects of our lives.  For example, biosensors that are used to detect and identify diseases are often based on chemical surface modifications. The interaction of small molecules or nanoparticles with surfaces such as lung tissue is also often dictated by surface chemistry. This means that it is critical to know as much as possible about a surface in order to both understand the interactions that occur and to be able to design surfaces that promote successful interactions.

Who Should Attend

This webinar is intended for researchers, students, technologists and others involved in research with biomaterial and biological surfaces who are looking to gain an understanding or broaden their knowledge on how XPS and ToF-SIMS can help in characterizing biological and biomaterial surfaces and interactions. The course will be beneficial to a large audience, from young scientists to engineers, as various aspects from instrumentation through best practices for sample handling, data collection and data analysis will be discussed in the context of characterizing organic materials with XPS and ToF-SIMS.

The deadline for registration for this workshop is Sept 11, 2020 and you can register for it here.

Date: Wednesday, September 16, 2020
Time: 1:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m. EDT
Platform: Zoom

Please note this workshop is NOT free, but there is student pricing.