
  • Panalytical Empyrean


The IMS Materials Characterization Facility (MCF) is the main facility for materials analysis at Georgia Tech.  The facility leadership and main core lab are located in the state-of-the-art Marcus Nanotechnology Building. 

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Available to academic, industry, and government users, The Materials Characterization Facility (MCF) is a coordinated set of complementary labs that enable internal GT and external researchers to analyze material properties at all scales from atomic-level ordering to collective behavior of molecules, compounds, & crystals to the macroscopic behavior of bulk solids and structures.  The MCF is composed of several core labs – each specializing in one aspect of materials analysis – that are distributed across multiple buildings on campus. Areas of emphasis include:

  • Electron Microscopy,
  • Scanning Probe Microscopy,
  • Optical Microscopy and Spectroscopy,
  • X-Ray Diffraction & Spectroscopy,
  • Surface Science,
  • Mechanical Testing, and
  • Molecular Property Measurement.

The MCF offers shared-user access to the latest in imaging and analysis technology, which can be accessed by users 24 hours a day.  It also provides a full complement of services for researchers including,

  • Basic and advanced instrument training
  • Imaging and analysis consultations
  • Remote sample prep, measurement, and data analysis
  • Paper and proposal collaboration

Access to the MCF is managed through the campus-wide Shared User Management System (SUMS). SUMS is a custom-designed, web & mobile-accessible software platform combining equipment control, usage tracking, automated billing, and reporting templates.  For more information or to become a user, click here.