Nanoscale Imaging of Inorganic Materials
The HT7700 is an advanced Transmission Electron Microscope for imaging nano-material specimens. There are separate modes for low magnification/ High Contrast (HC) imaging and high magnification/ High Resolution (HR) imaging. The TEM utilizes modern computer control and digital cameras to enhance user-friendliness. Standard TEM grid sizes are a 3.05 mm diameter ring and samples must have a thickness of less than 100 nm. Applications: >TEM operation and viewing are integrated into user interface, allowing for operation of the TEM in ambient room lighting. Specifications: > Accelerating Voltage 40 ~ 120 KV >Resolution (lattice) 0.204 nm (100KV) >Magnification x200 ~ x200,000 (HC mode) x4,000 ~ x600,000 (HR mode)
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No magnetic samples!!!
NO Organic/bio samples!!!!!
HT-7700-Operation Instructions