The MCF May Image Contest is now live and you can submit your images here!
For information on the rules for submission, those can be seen here!
The MCF May Image Contest is now live and you can submit your images here!
For information on the rules for submission, those can be seen here!
The month of April is coming to a close, but it isn’t too late to submit an image to our image contest!
You can submit your image here!
If you would like to see all of our previous winners, you can see them here!
And congratulations to our winners in March 2019, Sang Yun Han, Erkul Karacauglu and Katherine Young!
The MCF image competition for March is now open and you can submit your images here!
We want to show off your images and what our tools are capable of! If you would like to see the rules for submission you can see those here.
Morris Satin was the winner for January-February and you can see that image (and our previous images that won) here!
The Crystalmaker Software Suite (Crystalmaker X, Single Crystal 3.1, CrystalDiffract 6) are now all available for download from the OIT website. The MCF has acquired a site license for Georgia Tech and it is available for academic use.
EnvisioNano is a contest for undergraduate and graduate students conducting nanotechnology research in the United States and U.S. territories. Students should submit striking nanoscale images that demonstrate how beautiful the nanoscale can be alongside thoughtful, concise descriptions of the research behind the picture and how it may lead to nanotechnologies that benefit society. The goal is to envision where your research is headed and explain how “seeing” at the nanoscale is important to reaching that vision. See the most recent winning image here!
For details and submission guidelines, please go here:
The December Image Contest is live and you can submit your images here!
If you have questions about the submission guidelines for the contest, those can be found on our website here.
And if you would like to see our previous winners (and congratulations to our winners in September and October), those images can be found here. The winner of the November contest will be posted by the end of this week.
If you have questions or concerns, please feel free to contact MCF Staff.
The November Image Contest is live and you can submit your images here!
If you have questions about the submission guidelines for the contest, those can be found on our website here.
And if you would like to see our previous winners, those images can be found here.
If you have questions or concerns, please feel free to contact MCF Staff.
The image contest for the October is now live and you can submit your images here!
If you have questions about the submission guidelines for the contest, those can be found on our website here.
And if you would like to see our previous winners, those images can be found here.
If you have questions or concerns, please feel free to contact MCF Staff.
The MCF Image Contest is still going strong! Please consider sending your images/spectra so we can highlight what you are doing to the Georgia Tech Community and beyond!
More information as to how to submit your images and our guidelines can be found here:
To see past images that have been submitted, they can be found here:
Thank you!
-MCF Staff-