Webinar: XPM: High Speed Nanoindentation and Mechanical Property Mapping

XPM: High Speed Nanoindentation and Mechanical Property Mapping
A Bruker/Hysitron Webinar
Oct. 5th
8AM PDT | 11AM EDT | 15:00 GMT
Nanoindentation techniques have long had an important role in quantitatively evaluating the mechanical properties of microstructural features. In recent years, high speed nanoindentation mapping techniques have been under development and have recently achieved speeds up to 6 indents/second, approximately 500x faster than traditional nanoindentation mapping methodologies. This enables a one-to-one correlation with other techniques, such as EBSD, and provides corresponding large data sets for robust statistical analysis. This correlation can produce high resolution structure-property relationships which can be mapped over sub-micron to several hundreds of micron length scales. High speed nanoindentation has numerous potential applications, from evaluation of microstructure-property evolution during processing, quality control testing of weld zones, evaluation of sub-surface damage gradients (wear, corrosion, irradiation), composite material interfaces, and more.
This will be displayed on the large monitor in the Characterization Facility in Marcus. If you would like more information or want to register on your own, you can do so here.

Workshop on Non-Ambient XRD at North Carolina State Nov 8-9

A complimentary symposium created by the collaborative efforts of NCSU & Malvern PANalytical

Organized by: Professor Jacob L. Jones (NCSU) & Dr. Scott A. Speakman (Malvern PANalytical)

November 8, 2017 1:00pm – 5:00pm – Symposium
November 8, 2017 5:30pm – 7:00pm – Poster Session
November 9, 2017 9:00am – 4:00pm – Symposium

Non-ambient X-ray diffraction is a useful tool for determining phase stability, studying phase transformations, and following reaction pathways and kinetics. Practical examples include in-situ battery analysis for developing new cathode materials, understanding pharmaceutical stability with temperature and humidity, quantifying growth kinetics of nanocrystalline systems, and many more. New non-ambient chambers, faster instruments, and automatic data processing make non-ambient diffraction an ever-increasingly powerful technique. However, there are issues that can trip up the unwary, such as thermal gradients, unwanted reactions, systematic errors, etc. This symposium will feature lectures by leading researchers developing and using non-ambient diffraction on laboratory instruments, synchrotrons, and neutron beamlines. Lectures will focus on the research potential of non-ambient diffraction and practical advice for collecting accurate and useful data.

Attendees are encouraged to present a poster on their work related to this symposium. Speakers will judge the posters and prizes will be awarded to the top 3.

This is a free workshop and you can sign up for it here.

For those that cannot attend, David Tavakoli will be attending and will distribute notes to anyone interested.

Webinar: Characterizing ceramic compounds using state-of-the-art X-ray diffraction (XRD)

Characterizing ceramic compounds using state-of-the-art X-ray diffraction (XRD)

This webinar will be shown on September 7th at 10:00AM in the Lobby of the Microscopy Suite in Marcus. You can register and get more information here.

Webinar abstract

Due to their wide range of composition/structures as well as the versatility of their applications ceramics are a widely studied subject within the materials sciences. Their characterization in order to determine physical and chemical properties is paramount to predict how a ceramic compound will behave in high-temperature environments. Various analytical techniques are used for the characterization of ceramics with XRD being one of them. This technique is, however, not yet exploited to its full potential. Currently it is mostly used for simple phase analysis during and after the production process and in some cases for in situ high-temperature studies.

However, modern multipurpose diffraction platforms allow more analytical approaches. They can be combined to fully characterize a ceramic compound in terms of phase composition, crystallinity (amorphous/glass content), crystallite size, 2D phase distribution, depth profiling, residual stress, texture, thermal behavior (in situ), as well as 3D microstructure.

During this webinar various case studies where XRD is used for the characterization of ceramics will be discussed, showing various analytical examples. You will learn how XRD can be applied to the different materials and analytical challenges. Case studies of the following applications will be given:
– Phase analysis using Rietveld full-pattern fitting
– Grazing incidence XRD
– Non-ambient diffraction
– Residual stress and texture
– Microdiffraction
– Computed tomography


Practical Surface Characterization of Materials: An Interactive Short Course on XPS, UPS and SIMS

A two day short course on surface characterization will be held on the Georgia Tech Campus from Thursday, August 17th to Friday, August 18th.

Course details/ summary –  A detailed introduction to the principles and practice of two techniques for analyzing the first few monolayers of a surface: XPS -the most common surface analytical method and ToF-SIMS a mass-spectroscopy-based method complementary in many ways to XPS.  Taken together they allow:

  • The detection of the elemental composition of a sample
  • The detection of even trace elements down to ppm of a monolayer
  • The chemical bonding between elements
  • The lateral and vertical distribution of elements in the top layers of a sample
  • The surface bonding and band structure of compounds including work function and band occupancy

More details and registration can be found here.

Webinar – XRF Theory

X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (XRF) is a powerful technique for the analysis of elemental compositions of solid, powdered, and liquid materials. It can deliver high precision, quantitative results for both process control and completely unknown samples using purpose built calibrations.

High quality results can also be obtained using powerful standardless analysis software. This webinar covers the basics of the technique, extent of its capabilities, instrument types, and touches on the important topic of sample preparation. The webinar is geared toward those with little or no experience with XRF wishing to learn more and will be displayed in the lobby of the MCF in the Marcus Nanotechnology Building at 10:00AM on June 7, 2017.

More details can be found here.

Webinar – Is the X-ray diffraction theory we use correct? May 30, 2017

The theory of X-ray diffraction from crystals has been established for over 100 years; although it is still used, it cannot account for some of the experimental data. The theory combined with measured data can sometimes lead to the wrong structural model. In this webinar you will hear about a new theory that includes the diffraction from crystals in all directions, which explains the diffraction from polycrystalline materials and the data collected in serial crystallography without the need for complex structural requirements.

This webinar will be on display of the lobby of the MCF in the Marcus Nanotechnology Building at 11:00EST on May 30, 2017.

More information can be found here.

XRF Webinar – Different Approaches to Bulk Quantification – June 1st, 2017

In XRF there are different approaches to the quantification of spectra from bulk samples. Every quantification approach has specific strengths and weaknesses, but the M4 TORNADO’s “tool box” of suitable quantification methods provides you with appropriate options when it comes to quantification of non-ideal sample types.
The webinar will be rounded off by a 15-minute Q&A session where our experts will answer your questions.

It will be displayed in the main lobby of the MCF in the Marcus Nanotechnology Building at 11:00AM on June 1st.

Webinar – May 23, 2017 – Beyond Cu: The many colors of X-rays – selecting the best X-ray tube for your analysis

Presented by: Scott Speakman Ph.D – XRD Principal Scientist

Modern laboratory diffractometers are designed to operate with X-ray tubes that may have many different types of anodes: Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Cu, Mo, Ag, and more. The X-ray tube anode determines the wavelength of radiation that is produced for measurements. Despite the wide selection of anodes available, contemporary literature is dominated by research that uses Cu wavelength X-rays for powder diffraction and scattering studies—so much so that some researchers mistakenly believe it is the only choice because “everybody else uses it”. While Cu anode X-ray tubes have always been widely used in laboratory diffractometers, literature provides many examples of measurements that benefited from the use of other wavelengths of radiation, including synchrotrons and neutron beamlines.

This webinar will be streamed in the lobby of the MCF in the Marcus Nanotechnology Building on May 23 at 11:00AM.

Webinar: How to calculate a Pair Distribution Function with HighScore software

The pair distribution function (PDF) provides the probability of finding atoms separated by a certain distance; useful information about the short- and long-range ordering of the atoms in the materials can be extracted from the analysis of the PDF. Because atomic periodicity is not a requirement for the analysis, the PDF method is best suited for the analysis of amorphous and nanomaterials, but also for disordered crystalline materials.

This webinar will be displayed in the lobby of the MCF in the Marcus Nanotechnology Building on February 16th from 10:00-11:00AM.

More information can be found here.

Webinar: X-ray powder diffraction with BBHD, structure solution

A webinar from PANalytical will be shown in the lobby of the MCF in the Marcus Nanotechnology Building at 10:00AM on February 9th, 2017.

The live webinar will show how to solve a crystal structure from powder data using the Empyrean diffractometer and the HighScore software suite. We will discuss the requirements for solving a crystal structure from powder data and we will show recent examples of some vanadates among which a new larnite/belite structure. Furthermore, as phase transitions may appear as function of temperature, the best practice for high-temperature measurements will be presented.

A live question and answer session will follow the presentation.

More details can be found here.