MCF is adding another XRD!

X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) is a powerful tool to look at crystals for characterizing microstructural and crystallographic properties of powders, thin films, fibers and other solid materials. The MCF has recently added another XRD, a Malvern PANalytical MPD to its capabilities. This XRD has a flat sample stage (default) for the analysis of powders and small solids, a non-ambient stage capable of running from -196C-450C, and a reflectivity stage. It should be on SUMS no later than 8/12/2019!

Image result for ford xrd gatech

Webinar: Introduction to quantitative XRD methods using HighScore Plus

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Webinar: February 6, 2018!

If you are interested in learning the basics of quantitative analysis using HighScore Plus X-ray Diffraction software, then join us for a free webinar. This webinar will introduce standard XRD quantitative methods, as well as the newest quantitative methods implemented in HighScore Plus software, such as Partial Least Squares Refinement (PLSR), Autoscaler Method (FULLPAT), and Direct Derivation Method after Toraya.

At the conclusion of the presentation a live question and answer session will be held. So do not miss this opportunity to learn about the newest methods for quantification by XRD, and which may be best suited to your types of materials.

This webinar will be broadcast in the lobby of the MCF in the Marcus Nanotechnology Building.

Webinar details:

Date: February 6, 2018
Title: Introduction to quantitative XRD methods using HighScore Plus
Time: 10:00 AM EDT / 7:00 AM PDT
Duration: 45 minutes
Presenter: Dr. Anasuya Adibhatla Ph.D, XRD application specialist, Malvern Panalytical

Webinar: Characterizing liposome formation, structure and stability with complementary techniques

If you are interested in characterizing both biological and synthetic nanoparticles, then join us for a free webinar. We will look at optimal conditions for extruding liposomes and will analyze their stability under different conditions. Our aim is to further educate the public about the intricacies of liposome formation and characterization as measured by nanoparticle tracking analysis (NTA) from the NanoSight product range, dynamic and electrophoretic light scattering (DLS/ELS) from the Zetasizer product range, and small-angle and wide-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS/WAXS) from the X-ray analytical product range within Malvern Panalytical.

This webinar will be on display in the lobby of the MCF in the Marcus Building.

Webinar details:
Title: Characterizing liposome formation, structure and stability with complementary techniques
Time: 1:00 PM (GMT-05:00) Eastern [New York]
Duration: 60 minutes
Presenters: Ragy Ragheb, technical specialist at Malvern Panalytical and
Joerg Bolze, product specialist XRD at Malvern Panalytical

Webinar on Powder Diffraction by Malvern PANalytical

Introduction to Practical X-ray Powder Diffractometry

This presentation teaches the basic principles of X-ray diffraction and what information can be learned from an X-ray diffraction pattern. This presentation does not delve deeply into the mathematics or physics of diffraction, but rather focuses on illustrating the power of this materials analysis technique. It is intended for a broad audience—technicians, managers, students, professor moving from single crystal diffractometry into powder diffractometry, and those who are considering if X-ray diffraction could be a beneficial addition to their lab.

X-Ray Powder Diffraction is most often used to answer the questions: what is in the sample and how much? With modern diffractometers, it is possible to load a sample, push a single button, and get an answer. But … where did that answer come from? How reliable is it? What other information might be available in the data? This talk will dissect the X-ray powder diffraction pattern and show the wealth of information contained within.

More information can be found here.

Malvern PANalytical Aeris used by Georgia Tech students

The Aeris is a benchtop XRD capable of quick high resolution scans on powder samples or small solid samples. Conveniently it operates without the need of chiller water to operate and doesn’t have any exotic power requirements. Malvern PANalytical graciously allowed the Aeris to be housed in the Marcus Building and let students use it free of charge and several groups took advantage of it.

Malvern PANalytical Aeris in the XRD Lab

Malvern PANalytical has graciously housed the Aeris, their new benchtop XRD in the lab across from the Alpha-1. The Aeris is a easy to use XRD designed to run powder/pellet samples. This tool is free to use, and if you would like to get trained on it see how it runs your samples, please contact David Tavakoli ( Tuesday or Wednesday of this week. Unfortunately on Thursday it will be shipped out to another lab.

For more details on the Aeris, please go here.


Workshop on Non-Ambient XRD at North Carolina State Nov 8-9

A complimentary symposium created by the collaborative efforts of NCSU & Malvern PANalytical

Organized by: Professor Jacob L. Jones (NCSU) & Dr. Scott A. Speakman (Malvern PANalytical)

November 8, 2017 1:00pm – 5:00pm – Symposium
November 8, 2017 5:30pm – 7:00pm – Poster Session
November 9, 2017 9:00am – 4:00pm – Symposium

Non-ambient X-ray diffraction is a useful tool for determining phase stability, studying phase transformations, and following reaction pathways and kinetics. Practical examples include in-situ battery analysis for developing new cathode materials, understanding pharmaceutical stability with temperature and humidity, quantifying growth kinetics of nanocrystalline systems, and many more. New non-ambient chambers, faster instruments, and automatic data processing make non-ambient diffraction an ever-increasingly powerful technique. However, there are issues that can trip up the unwary, such as thermal gradients, unwanted reactions, systematic errors, etc. This symposium will feature lectures by leading researchers developing and using non-ambient diffraction on laboratory instruments, synchrotrons, and neutron beamlines. Lectures will focus on the research potential of non-ambient diffraction and practical advice for collecting accurate and useful data.

Attendees are encouraged to present a poster on their work related to this symposium. Speakers will judge the posters and prizes will be awarded to the top 3.

This is a free workshop and you can sign up for it here.

For those that cannot attend, David Tavakoli will be attending and will distribute notes to anyone interested.

Webinar: How to calculate a Pair Distribution Function with HighScore software

The pair distribution function (PDF) provides the probability of finding atoms separated by a certain distance; useful information about the short- and long-range ordering of the atoms in the materials can be extracted from the analysis of the PDF. Because atomic periodicity is not a requirement for the analysis, the PDF method is best suited for the analysis of amorphous and nanomaterials, but also for disordered crystalline materials.

This webinar will be displayed in the lobby of the MCF in the Marcus Nanotechnology Building on February 16th from 10:00-11:00AM.

More information can be found here.

Webinar: X-ray powder diffraction with BBHD, structure solution

A webinar from PANalytical will be shown in the lobby of the MCF in the Marcus Nanotechnology Building at 10:00AM on February 9th, 2017.

The live webinar will show how to solve a crystal structure from powder data using the Empyrean diffractometer and the HighScore software suite. We will discuss the requirements for solving a crystal structure from powder data and we will show recent examples of some vanadates among which a new larnite/belite structure. Furthermore, as phase transitions may appear as function of temperature, the best practice for high-temperature measurements will be presented.

A live question and answer session will follow the presentation.

More details can be found here.

Webinar – Solving the challenges of Na-ion battery electrodes using PXRD

The Webinar will be displayed on the main monitor in the lobby of the characterization suite in the Marcus Nanotechnology Center at 10:00AM on July 28th.


Sodium layered oxides, NaxMO2 (M = Ti – Cu), show great promises as positive electrode material candidates for Na-ion batteries. However, detailed structural analysis of these materials presents many difficulties owing to their reactivity in ambient conditions, numerous structural transitions as a function of the sodium content and extended stacking fault occasionally resulting in partial amorphization of the sample.

This webinar will cover the study of P2-NaxFe1/2Mn1/2O2 positive electrode material focusing on the powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD) data collection strategies used to address the challenges inherent to sodium layered oxide in general.

More information can be found here.