The Aeris is a benchtop XRD capable of quick high resolution scans on powder samples or small solid samples. Conveniently it operates without the need of chiller water to operate and doesn’t have any exotic power requirements. Malvern PANalytical graciously allowed the Aeris to be housed in the Marcus Building and let students use it free of charge and several groups took advantage of it.
Category: Uncategorized
Workshop on Non-Ambient XRD at North Carolina State Nov 8-9
A complimentary symposium created by the collaborative efforts of NCSU & Malvern PANalytical
Organized by: Professor Jacob L. Jones (NCSU) & Dr. Scott A. Speakman (Malvern PANalytical)
November 8, 2017 1:00pm – 5:00pm – Symposium
November 8, 2017 5:30pm – 7:00pm – Poster Session
November 9, 2017 9:00am – 4:00pm – Symposium
Non-ambient X-ray diffraction is a useful tool for determining phase stability, studying phase transformations, and following reaction pathways and kinetics. Practical examples include in-situ battery analysis for developing new cathode materials, understanding pharmaceutical stability with temperature and humidity, quantifying growth kinetics of nanocrystalline systems, and many more. New non-ambient chambers, faster instruments, and automatic data processing make non-ambient diffraction an ever-increasingly powerful technique. However, there are issues that can trip up the unwary, such as thermal gradients, unwanted reactions, systematic errors, etc. This symposium will feature lectures by leading researchers developing and using non-ambient diffraction on laboratory instruments, synchrotrons, and neutron beamlines. Lectures will focus on the research potential of non-ambient diffraction and practical advice for collecting accurate and useful data.
Attendees are encouraged to present a poster on their work related to this symposium. Speakers will judge the posters and prizes will be awarded to the top 3.
This is a free workshop and you can sign up for it here.
For those that cannot attend, David Tavakoli will be attending and will distribute notes to anyone interested.
Omniprobe 200 installation in September for FEI Nova FIB/SEM for TEM sample preparation, nanoscale testing, etc
The IEN MCF is proud to announce the delivery and installation of an Oxford Instruments Omniprobe 200 nanomanipulator for the FEI Nova Nanolab 200 FIB/SEM. This closed loop nanomanipulator has significant automation and will speed TEM lamella preparation and automate most of that process. The system is very user-friendly and will also enable nanoscale testing of various kinds, with the option to get additional packages for different kinds of testing, particularly electrical characterization. More information will be provided once the installation date is finalized, but tentative installation is set for the third week of September. A link to the information on that system is below:
Webinar – Introducing the Empyrean Nano edition, a versatile X-ray scattering platform
SAXS/WAXS and more: Introducing the Empyrean Nano edition, a versatile X-ray scattering platform
The Webinar will be displayed on the main monitor in the lobby of the characterization suite in the Marcus Nanotechnology Center at 10:00AM on September 1st.
In this webinar, PANalytical will introduce to you the main features of this instrument and demonstrate its unique capabilities by discussing several application examples.
The Empyrean Nano edition enables a variety of X-ray scattering techniques that can be applied for the structural characterization of nanomaterials on multiple length scales. The instrument is based on a high-resolution goniometer platform and the proven PreFIX concept, thus offering maximum flexibility. Main applications are SAXS/WAXS, bio-SAXS, USAXS and total scattering (PDF analysis).
More information can be found here.
Webinar – Solving the challenges of Na-ion battery electrodes using PXRD
The Webinar will be displayed on the main monitor in the lobby of the characterization suite in the Marcus Nanotechnology Center at 10:00AM on July 28th.
Sodium layered oxides, NaxMO2 (M = Ti – Cu), show great promises as positive electrode material candidates for Na-ion batteries. However, detailed structural analysis of these materials presents many difficulties owing to their reactivity in ambient conditions, numerous structural transitions as a function of the sodium content and extended stacking fault occasionally resulting in partial amorphization of the sample.
This webinar will cover the study of P2-NaxFe1/2Mn1/2O2 positive electrode material focusing on the powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD) data collection strategies used to address the challenges inherent to sodium layered oxide in general.
More information can be found here.
XRF Webinar to play in Marcus Lobby – July 14th
We will be presenting a Webinar about XRF (X-ray fluorescence) from Bruker on the large monitor in Marcus on July 14th at 10:00AM.
XRF is a non-destructive analytical technique used to determine the elemental composition of materials. XRF analyzers determine the chemistry of a sample by measuring the fluorescent (or secondary) X-ray emitted from a sample when it is excited by a primary X-ray source.
The webinar will describe how the M4 TORNADO can be used to identify high and low angle grain boundaries as well as twin boundaries in crystalline materials. From polycrystalline silicon wafers to aluminum samples and welding joint, the method presented in this webinar allows the user to obtain information on the crystals such as size and distribution.
More information can be found here.
If XRF is a technique that your research group is particularly interested in, please contact me at david.tavakoli at
Low-voltage EDS & SEM webinar on screen in lobby
Attention Users:
Bruker & Hitachi are having a webinar on low-voltage EDX and SEM imaging that we will be streaming on the monitor in the MCF lobby on Tuesday at 4pm (e.g. tomorrow). It will run 4pm-4:45pm. Staff will be available for questions afterwards. The agenda is as follows:
Think Outside the Lab for advanced imaging with the latest Cold-Field-Emission SEM and FlatQUAD Energy Dispersive Spectrometer (EDS) for high-speed and high-sensitivity X-ray microanalysis.
Hitachi High Technologies & Bruker Nano Analytics invite you to a free webinar, “Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy with CFE Technology.” Registration is required. Please register today!
- Advanced low–voltage imaging with the Hitachi SU8200 Series CFE-SEM
- Q & A
Hot Stage available on Empyrean
The Anton-Parr 1200N hot stage is now available on the Empyrean. For those interested in phase change of their material as a function of temperature, the hot stage is capable of reaching temperatures of up to 1200 degrees Celsius under very controlled rates.
Microscopy Today – Zone Cleaner Article
MCF staff co-authors on Microscopy Today article
Two MCF staff members, Todd Walters and Eric Woods, are co-authors on a new paper recently published in Microscopy Today with primary author Yoichiro Hashimoto from Hitachi High-Technologies Corp. This paper demonstrates the behavior of various materials under beam voltages (accomplished via deceleration) from 0.2-1.0kV in the Hitachi 8230 and compares experimental and reference / predicted behavior in contrast in BSE images under those conditions.
Hashimoto – Image contrast in EF BSE images at ultra low accel voltages – Mic Today – 2016