XRDs moving on March 6-March11, 2022

Hello everyone,

Our current set of XRD instruments, while capable and well-maintained, are beyond their design lifetime and – save for the Empyrean – are no longer supported by the OEM.  At the same time, we have had extensive conversations with faculty on campus who want to do more advanced XRD measurements than our current tools will support.
To address both issues:  We have some big news to share. With the financial and technical support of the EVPR and Prof. M. Mourigal, the MCF is acquiring three new XRD systems from Rigaku to be housed in the Marcus Microanalysis lab in the MCF.  This acquisition will add or extend capabilities for:
  • Cryo measurements (down to LHe temps)
  • PDF measurements
  • Auto-samplers for multi-sample measurements.
Though there will be a learning curve for the new data analysis SW, researchers will be able to do that analysis on their own computers instead of having to use the one central system in the MCF lab.
Not to bury the lede, but to prepare for the installation of the the XRDs, the existing PANalytical instruments will be moving to the Paper Tricentennial Building the week of March 6th. We anticipate that they will be down from March 6 to March 10, and should be available for use by Monday, March 13th. Please plan to complete your XRD work by Sunday, March 5th. 
There will be a transition of MCF support from the Panalytical systems to the Rigaku systems over the rest of calendar year 2022, but there should always be an operational PXRD and single-crystal system available in the MCF.

We want to stress that we are not losing any currently available capabilities and are adding several advanced measurement modes.  The new instruments give us flexibility to augment with additional capabilities over time.

Please contact David Tavakoli or another member of the MCF staff if you have any questions or concerns.